
RBI New FD Rules: Claim your money as soon as the Fixed Deposit matures or you will face a loss

The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has changed the rules for Fixed Deposits as it said that if a customer has not claimed FD even after maturity, then he/she will have to bear the loss in terms of interest in savings.

RBI Rules

RBI Rules

The Reserve Bank of India has made changes in the rules related to FDs. After this change, if your FD is not claimed even after maturity and the money is lying with the bank, then you may have to bear the loss of interest on the savings.

FD Maturity

FD Maturity

In fact, RBI has said in one of its circulars that if an FD matures and its payment is not made or it remains lying with the bank without claim, then the interest rate on it according to the savings account or on the matured FD. The lesser of the contracted interest will be available there.

RBI Guidelines

RBI Guidelines

The Reserve Bank comes with a guideline where it says that this decision will be applicable to all types of banks. These include Commercial Banks, Small Finance Banks, Urban Co-operative Banks, Local Area Banks, State Co-operative Banks and District Central Co-operative Banks.


FD Investment

FD Investment

In FD, an amount is invested for a predetermined time. It gives slightly better interest than normal savings. If the same investment is made for a period of 5 years or more, then the benefit of tax saving is also available.

Fixed Deposits

Fixed Deposits

Fixed Deposits (FDs) can be taken from any bank or can also be done in the post office. Investments on FDs can take advantage of loans, but this facility is not available on tax-saving FDs.