
7 Zodiac Signs Which Are Known To Be Master Manipulators And Their Traits

While each zodiac sign has strengths and flaws, some are known for their manipulative abilities.  Which zodiac sign is thus the most cunning? What sign of the zodiac makes them so skilled at manipulating people around them? Read to learn more.



Scorpions excel at leadership, have a persuasive attitude, and have an exceptional eye for detail. However, they also tend to be secretive, look for reasons not to trust you, and have a very weak sense of jealousy. They are one of the most manipulative zodiac signs due to the combination of their potent personality qualities.

Trait- Scorpios are passionate, focused, secretive people who are frequently seen planning or scheming their way through life.



On the bright side, Cancerians are very insightful and sympathetic. However, if their intuitions are misdirected, it turns into an expression of their imagination. Cancerians will reveal their manipulative side to protect themselves or their loved ones if they have a bad or dangerous instinct about them.

Trait- Cancer is known for being incredibly sensitive and perceptive, which makes them particularly excellent at reading people's emotions and quietly influencing the situation.



People born under this zodiac sign have been known to be exceptionally thoughtful, clever, and witty. They are one of the most cunning zodiac signs due to the lethal mix of these three traits.

Trait- Gemini may change themselves like a chameleon to get what they want, whether it's a promotion at work or even a point in a heated argument. 



In general, Pisceans are quite generous souls. You might be wondering how they manage to rank among the most cunning signs. Because they are human, and no person can be 100% unselfish all the time, even though they are generally ready to serve others without expecting anything in return. As a result, they occasionally succeed in using the 'good person' card to influence you in their favour.

Trait- When manipulating others to achieve their goals, Pisces often act in a passive-aggressive manner.



Leo is one of the zodiac's most attractive and charming signs, but it can also be one of the most manipulative. Those born under this sign have a natural ability to captivate others through both their words and deeds. They frequently abuse this authority for personal advantage, but not always with malice aforethought.

Trait- Leos are noted for having a strong sense of pride and ambition, which can lead them to manipulate others to achieve their goals. 



Contrary to what you might think for a sign whose symbol is a balancing of scales, the Libra is surprisingly never as in control of their life, ideas, or decisions. People born under this sign tend to be quite indecisive since they are constantly trying to find the perfect balance and strive for perfection. Additionally, they have an unfailing appeal.

Trait- To obtain what they desire, Libras are renowned for using subtlety and persuasion. They employ charm to get out of tricky circumstances or even to manipulate others into doing what they desire. 



Virgos never expresses their needs, wants, desires, or expectations in a straightforward or clear manner and end up manipulating emotionally. However, they still have them and, like everyone else, they find it shattering when their wants or expectationsare not satisfied. They have a habit of moping if they don't get their way, without specifying what they want.

Trait- Virgos thrive on control, thus it's not uncommon for them to utilise subtle strategies to influence a situation or person. They frequently use silence and withholding information as a weapon with a passive-aggressive behaviour.