
Taal Thok Ke: Loudspeaker Controversy erupts ahead of Maharashtra Elections

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Taal Thok Ke: As the voting day in Maharashtra is approaching, the sharpness of the statements of the leaders is increasing. Due to the sharpness of the statements, the political temperature is also rising rapidly. Loudspeakers have also entered the Maharashtra elections. MNS i.e. Maharashtra Navnirman Sena chief Raj Thackeray has given a big statement on the use of fatwas and loudspeakers to vote. Raj Thackeray says that if his government is formed, he will remove loudspeakers from all mosques. Nitesh Rane has also supported this statement of Raj Thackeray. Nitesh Rane has said that "all the loudspeakers installed on mosques are illegal.