
Taal Thok Ke: Ruckus over Diwali Celebrations in Mumbai!

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Taal Thok Ke: The holy festival of Diwali has begun. But even before its beginning, controversies had started regarding it and these controversies are still going on. Yesterday, there was a controversy in Mumbai and Navi Mumbai regarding lighting and fireworks. So now Maulana Tauqeer Raza of Bareilly has dropped a new bombshell by giving a statement on fireworks. Tauqeer Raza said that fireworks are not a festival of explosions and crackers. Use crackers but in small quantities. So that people are not harmed. So, amidst objections from many Hindu religious gurus, Baba Bageshwar has also raised his voice. He gave advice to Tauqeer Raza on his advice. He said, give the knowledge of Diwali on Bakrid also, give it on January 1 when the whole world bursts crackers. Doesn't there be pollution then? Questions are also being raised on the fact that Hindu festivals are deliberately questioned.