Top Things You Should Avoid During Navratri Fast

Suhaani Gupta
Sep 12, 2024


Avoid the consumption of grains as wheat and rice.


Legumes and lentils should therefore be completly eliminated.

Non vegetarian foods

Avoid meat and egg products, or any kind of non vegetarian foods.

Onion and garlic

Extinguish onion and garlic from your food preparation because they are belonging to the group of tamasic foods.

Rock salt

As an alternative to normal salt, one can use the rock salt or sendha namak

Natural foods

It is better to eat natural foods rather than spending time with foods which have been processed.


Eliminate the intensity of some of the spices such as turmeric and coriander; substitute with cumin or black peppers.

Avoiding meat

Navratri is a time to celebrate the victory of good over evil, and avoiding meat is a way to show respect for all living things.

Avoid smoking

Avoid smoking during Navratri fasting as these are consider as impurities

Processed foods

Processed foods should be avoided as these are high in unhealthy fats, sodium, and sugar, and are not ideal for a fast.

Kuttu ka atta

concentrate more on fruits, dairy, specific vegetables and grains like – Buckwheat Flour kuttu ka atta for making fasting deliciously energetic!


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