(All photo credit: X)
The story revolves around Edward Snowden, an employee of the NSA, who discovers illegal spying on ordinary US citizens by the NSA, decides to leak classified information to the press.
A techno-thriller film by John Badham follows David, a young man who accidentally hacks the US military supercomputer thinking it is a game, he sets a chain of events that attempts to trigger World War III.
When a hacker named Nick's code is linked to a terrorist attack, he is released from prison. He is drawn into the rivalries between China and the United States while attempting to assist the police.
The story is about an ethical hacker who is framed for murder and uncovering a privacy scandal and must evade the police while trying to track down the criminals.
The film, directed by Tina Satter, focuses on a former American intelligence specialist who is given the longest sentence for releasing unauthorized information to the media about Russian interference.
An action thriller film directed by Danny Wong follows a computer expert who accidentally becomes a victim of a cyber crime and struggles to solve the problem.
A documentary that explores the 2016 Bangladesh Bank robbery and one of the most daring cyber heists of all time that turned a basic millennium credit card into a complex, global crime organization.