It is a heartwarming romantic comedy directed by Imtiaz Ali. The story follows Geet and Aditya on a journey of self-discovery and change.
A Vikas Bahl film is about a young woman's journey of self-reliance, growth, and resilience, showcasing her resilience and growth after her failed wedding,
The film by Alia Bhatt, explores Kiara's struggles with abandonment and therapy, highlighting the importance of self-reflection and emotional healing.
It is a comforting film that brings out the weight of clinging to connections that can weigh us down rather than lift us.
It Is a light-hearted comedy film by Rohit Shetty, where a man falls in love and a woman has adventures, showcasing colorful sets and catchy music.
Rai's romantic comedy-drama explores the intricacies of relationships and love, providing a humorous and entertaining perspective on love.
It is a contemporary film exploring friendship, and self-discovery that offers a reflective look at the relationships and decisions that shape our lives.