This documentary series follows Steven Avery, a man wrongfully convicted of a crime. The complexity of case and unpredictable nature of the series keeps the audience engaged.
This crime documentary is based on a true story of Michael Peterson, a crime novelist who is accused of killing his wife. The documentary delves with legal proceedings.
This haunting documentary series investigates the unsolved murder of a nun. The Keepers delves into the dark secrets of the case, leaving the viewers speechless.
Based on one of the most horrific cases of Delhi (Nirbhaya case), this crime documentary is truly spine chilling. With Shefali Shah's performance and fight for justice this series is a must watch.
Based on Burari case of Delhi, House Of Secrets is one such documentary that would leave audience in shock. The eerie atmosphere of the series makes it even more horrifying.
Based on the gruesome case of Chandrakant Jha also known as The Butcher of Delhi, the series explores policing and serial killing in Delhi.
This chilling documentary focuses on Robert Durst, a wealthy heir connected to multiple mysterious deaths. The Jinx reveals a shocking confessions during the filming, leaving audiences stunned.