Directed by Akira Kurosawa, this epic film follows a group of samurai hired to protect a village from bandits. It is renowned for its storytelling and character development.
A masterpiece by Hayao Miyazaki, this animated film tells the story of a young girl navigating a spirit world to save her parents. It won an Academy Award for Best Animated Feature.
A contemporary drama that portrays a family living on the margins of society in Tokyo, exploring themes of poverty, loyalty, and morality.
A romantic fantasy anime about two teenagers who mysteriously swap bodies and embark on an adventure to meet each other across time and space.
A visually stunning film by Kenji Mizoguchi, it explores themes of ambition, lust and love blending reality with the supernatural.
An emotionally powerful animated film about two siblings struggling to survive in Japan during World War II, highlighting the impact of war on civilians.
A horror classic that revolves around a cursed videotape that leads viewers to death seven days after watching it, influencing global horror cinema.