All Image Credit: IMDb
The story focuses on Lyra, a teenage orphan girl who visits Earth in search of her missing friend and in the process learns horrifying truths about kidnapping while living with the student of Oxford.
The story revolves around an internal succession war that takes place within House Targaryen for its powers, 172 years before the birth of Daenerys Tararyen.
The popular series highlights the story of nine prestigious families who wage war against each other to rule the mythical land of Westeros. However, a force rises which appears to be a threat for human existence.
The story surrounds a man belonging to a rich royal family who is reluctant to change his fortune and meets a powerful sorceress in a blind woman’s body.
The magical story centers on Diana Bishop, a historian and witch who teams up with Mathhew Clairmont to solve the handwritten mysterious secrets unknowing Mathhew’s real identity.
The gripping tale is set in the third age of a fantasy world that functions on a Wheel of Time, a cosmic embodiment of eternal return that highlights and manages the pattern of human existence.
This series is set thousands of years before the event of The Hobbit and brings forward the popular legend of fable second age Middle-earth's history.