All Image Credit: IMDb
The story revolves around Chappie, a police robot which is stolen by a thief who treats him like their child with few new changes in programming that made him the first robot with feelings.
The story focuses on a woman who finds herself inside a chamber with no idea of a way out and decides to find a way before the air runs out.
The story follows a spaceship victory crew who crashed a space shuttle in the latest fight but fights a girl aged 7 inside the ship who is a humanlike robot and decides to take heavy ransom in exchange.
The concept explores the fallout of MIT media lab research of Joy Buolamwini’s discovery of racial bias in facial recognition algorithms.
The story revolves around a human girl who is raised by a robot after the extinction of humanity and both share the bond of mother-daughter but things take a disturbing turn when a stranger enters their lives.
The story centers a woman who is trapped inside a ruthless genius’ smart house and is dedicated to somehow escape the artificial intelligence guiding her.
The story surrounds Jim and his teammates on a trip to different planets working together to prevent their spaceship from meeting any disaster after the malfunction in the system.
The story focuses on young Mija who is a caretaker and best friend of Okja, a massive animal and friend but things take a different turn when a corporation takes Okja for themselves.