Inside Out, the popular animated film, returns with a sequel focusing on Riley's teenage life, introducing new emotions like Anxiety, as she navigates puberty's complexity.
The film, based on Jo Nesbø's short story, follows twin brothers in a love triangle, with a wounded detective, "The Jealousy Man," investigating their situation.
This romantic comedy features Kristen Bell and Adam Brody as a couple from vastly different backgrounds. Their relationship faces trials as their personal beliefs and family dynamics clash.
The second season of Gyeongseong Creature is set to return viewers to 1945, where two young people encounter a terrifying beast created by greed.
Bhuvan Bam returns as Vasant, a sanitation worker with future vision, battling a new foe in the second season of the captivating series.
This romantic drama explores the journey of a woman returning to her hometown to mend her relationship.
This hit Telugu film follows Surya, who stands up against a corrupt officer to protect his community.