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This motivational account presents as a global guide to personal and professional success by highlighting the powers of setting goals, taking action, and believing in oneself. (All Image Credit: Amazon)
This read offers practical advice on the ways to celebrate imperfections and live a more fearless and joyful life.
This read shows the incredible journey of the writer from a troubled youth to an elite athlete which inspires readers to push their limits and achieve the impossible.
This account teaches the important ways to turn obstacles into opportunities and handle the challenges as stepping stones to growth and strength.
This read outlines the power of weakness with courage and originality and also encourages to celebrate imperfections and live life to the fullest.
This spiritual guide focuses on the importance of living in the present moment and letting go of the regrets of the past and the worries of the future.
This read outlines the importances of mindset by informing about the concept of fixed and growth mindsets that makes people's beliefs about our abilities shape their success. .
This read provides practical strategies that will help in building good habits and break the bad ones by focusing on small, consistent changes that lead to great results.
This inspiring account highlights the experiences of the writer in a Nazi concentration camp and mentions his discovery of the power of finding meaning in life, even in the worst situation.
This classic read teaches evergreen principles for personal and professional success and focuses on the best solutions to gain peace and lead a successful life.