Genre: Sci-Fi, Horror, Drama Synopsis: Set in the 1980s, the series follows a group of kids in a small town as they encounter supernatural mysteries and government conspiracies, including a girl with telekinetic powers and a parallel dimension called the Upside Down.
Genre: Historical Drama Synopsis: This royal drama chronicles the reign of Queen Elizabeth II, offering an intimate look at the personal and political struggles of the British monarchy from the 1940s to modern times.
Genre: Crime, Thriller Synopsis: A group of robbers, led by a mastermind known as "The Professor," carries out intricate heists on the Royal Mint of Spain and the Bank of Spain, while dealing with personal conflicts and police pressure.
Genre: Sci-Fi, Anthology, Drama Synopsis: Each episode presents a standalone story exploring the dark and thought-provoking aspects of modern society and technology, often highlighting the unintended consequences of technological advancements.
Genre: Fantasy, Action, Adventure Synopsis: Based on the book series, the show follows Geralt of Rivia, a monster hunter, as he navigates a world filled with dangerous creatures, political intrigue, and his own destiny.
Genre: Crime, Drama Synopsis: The series chronicles the rise and fall of infamous drug kingpins, primarily focusing on the life of Pablo Escobar and the Medellín drug cartel in Colombia.
Genre: Superhero, Fantasy, Drama Synopsis: A dysfunctional family of adopted siblings with extraordinary abilities reunites to solve the mystery of their father's death while preventing an impending apocalypse.
Genre: Crime, Drama, Thriller Synopsis: Although not a Netflix original, the show follows the transformation of a high school chemistry teacher into a methamphetamine-producing criminal mastermind, delving into the consequences of his choices.
Genre: Horror, Mystery, Drama Synopsis: This chilling series tells the story of the Crain family, who confront their traumatic past and haunting experiences in Hill House, a mansion with a dark history.
Genre: Crime, Drama, Thriller Synopsis: Set in the late 1970s, the series follows FBI agents as they delve into the minds of serial killers to understand their motives and behavior, ultimately aiding in solving ongoing cases.