10 Quotes By Kahlil Gibran On Love And Bonding

Zee Media Bureau
Aug 11, 2023

Depth Of Love

Ever has it been that love knows not its own depth until the hour of separation

Two Lives

One day you will ask me which is more important? My life or yours? I will say mine and you will walk away not knowing that you are my life

Hearts In Pain

Hearts united in pain and sorrow will not be separated by joy and happiness. Bonds that are woven in sadness are stronger than the ties of joy and pleasure

Course Of Love

And think not you can direct the course of love, for love, if it finds you worthy, directs your course

Love Of Lifetime

It takes a minute to have a crush on someone, an hour to like someone, and a day to love someone… but it takes a lifetime to forget someone

Of Love And Soul

Love one another, but make not a bond of love: Let it rather be a moving sea between the shores of your souls

Love And Don’t Tell

Travel and tell no one, live a true love story and tell no one, live happily and tell no one, people ruin beautiful things

A Man’s Love

Every man loves two women; the one is the creation of his imagination and the other is not yet born

Test Of Love

If you love somebody, let them go, for if they return, they were always yours. If they don’t, they never were

Loveless Life

Life without love is like a tree without blossoms or fruit


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