5 Protein Rich Vegetables Which Help In Hair Growth

Nitesh Dubey
Jan 21, 2025

Hair Fall is a big problem for today’s generation, let’s see some of the protein rich vegetables which can help in hair growth and prevent hair fall.


Spinach is the green vegetable which contains Vitamin A and C that helps in the growth of hair.

Sweet Potatoes

Sweet Potatoes consist of Vitamin A and Beta- carotene which helps to keep the scalp moisturized and prevent hair fall.


Avocados have several health benefits and contain Vitamin E which helps in keeping the health of hair and promote hair Growth.

Leafy Greens

Green leafs are vegetables which contain iron and vitamins of A and C which helps in hair growth and improves the scalp.


Nuts contain healthy fats, proteins and which promotes hair growth and scalp health.

DISCLAIMER:- This web story is meant for informational purposes only and must not be considered a substitute for advice provided by qualified medical professionals.


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