Green peas are filled with fibres, protein and various nutrients, promoting a healthy gut and preventing the body from constipation.
Peas are enriched with various antioxidants such as vitamin C, flavonoids, and carotenoids which helps the body to promote a healthy immune system and prevents oxidative stress.
Green peas are filled with fibre, potassium, and antioxidants which helps to control healthy blood blood pressure and cholesterol, promoting a healthy heart.
Green peas are low calorie and filled with protein and fibre which helps to keep your body to stay fuller for longer time and promotes healthy weight loss.
Peas contains lutein and zeaxanthin that helps to promote healthy vision and promotes eyes from various eye related diseases.
Green peas have relatively low glycemic index and are filled with various fiber and protein,helps to maintain healthy blood sugar levels and prevent body from diabetes.
Green peas are enriched with various vitamins and antioxidants such as vitamin c, vitamin e, and zinc, preventing the body from various chronic diseases and boosting immunity.
(This web story is meant for informational purposes only and must not be considered a substitute for advice provided by qualified medical professionals.)