7 Best Exercises To Control Anger And Stress

Akriti Mishra
Sep 27, 2024


This web story is meant for informational purposes only and must not be considered a substitute for advice provided by qualified medical professionals.

Deep Breathing

Slow, deep breaths help calm your nervous system and reduce anger gradually. Try the 4-7-8 method where you spend 4 seconds inhaling, 7 for holding and 8 for exhaling.

Use Stress Ball

This fun and relaxing activity to squeeze a stress ball can channel your anger by distracting yourself into doing something productive.

Count 10 to 1

Repeating backward counting in mind from 10 to 1 can help you cool down from anger giving you space to think.


Practice visualisation by closing your eyes and imagining a peaceful environment to cool your temper down. You can also listen to meditative sounds to control your anger.


The best way to control anger is to do self-talk. Avoid communicating outside as it can turn into heated arguments. Find a space and tell yourself that “I am angry but I can handle this.”

Art therapy

Working on anger issues in the long run requires a habitual practice of managing emotions. Try scribbling or even doodling to release your anger to calm yourself.

Physical Exercise

Lastly, channelise your anger into doing physical activity like running, swimming or even walking, to put out your anger while keeping yourself fit.


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