7 Interesting Facts About Mahatma Gandhi

Akriti Mishra
Sep 30, 2024

Extremely Shy In Childhood

Gandhi Ji, known for motivating millions of people with his powerful speeches, was a very shy and middling student in his childhood. He used to run away from school so he wouldn't have to talk to anybody

Youth Organization

While he was studying in London, he joined the “London Vegetarian Society,” where he wrote many articles in light of promoting vegetarianism, which influenced his later ethical beliefs.

Activist In South Africa

Gandhi's activism began in South Africa when he was thrown off a train for refusing to give up his seat due to his race, prompting him to fight against oppressive laws through non-violent resistance.

Influence of Jainism

Gandhi was heavily influenced by Jain philosophy, particularly the principles of non-violence and truth. These teachings played a significant role in shaping his approach to activism and social justice.

Harijan Advocacy

Gandhi coined the term "Harijan" to refer to untouchables, promoting their dignity and social inclusion. He believed everyone deserves respect and equal rights and actively campaigned against untouchability.

Legacy of Non-Violence

Gandhi's philosophy of nonviolent resistance inspired civil rights movements across the globe. His methods influenced leaders like Martin Luther King Jr. and Nelson Mandela, highlighting the universal acceptability of his teachings.

Nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize

Mahatma Gandhi was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize five times throughout his life but never received the award. Notably, he was nominated in the year of his assassination, yet the committee chose not to award it posthumously.


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