7 Lessons to Learn from 'Eat That Frog!'

Zee Media Bureau
Jul 03, 2024

Plan Before You Execute:

Before jumping into action, write down your plans. A clear plan keeps you on track and reduces procrastination or delaying tactics by showing you the steps to take next.

Prioritize Your Activities:

Prepare a to-do list and rank all your tasks by importance and urgency. Focus on what's most critical first, which helps you to stay productive and efficient.

Know Your “Peak Period”:

Identify when you're most energetic (morning, afternoon, or night) and then handle your toughest tasks during that time, to maximize your productivity.

Think About the Good:

Shift your mindset from fearing failure to imagining success. This positive thinking motivates you to take action despite your fears.

Stop Waiting for Motivation:

Don’t rely on feeling motivated to start working. Train yourself to take action and put in the effort, even when it’s tough.

Be Disciplined:

Achieving great things requires discipline. Dedicate to putting in the necessary time and effort every day to turn your dreams into reality.

Actually Eat That Frog:

Face and complete the tasks you've been avoiding, starting with the biggest one. Tackling these toughest tasks first boosts your motivation to finish the rest.


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