7 Phrases You Should Use To Cool Down An Argument

Suhaani Gupta
Sep 27, 2024

Acknowledging Others: “I see your point, but…”

Smart communicators validate others’ perspectives by acknowledging their viewpoints. This fosters respect and sets a constructive tone for discussions.

Seeking Clarity: “Help me understand…”

Intelligent individuals ask for clarification to avoid misunderstandings. This shows humility and a genuine interest in grasping the complete context.

Drawing from Experience: “In my experience…”

Smart individuals share relevant experiences while respecting differing viewpoints without generalizing.

Grounding in Facts: “Let’s stick to the facts…”

Intelligent individuals emphasize objective information during emotionally charged discussions. This helps maintain focus on evidence rather than emotional responses.

Inviting Participation: “What do you think about…?”

Smart arguers actively seek others’ opinions, promoting collaboration and demonstrating respect for diverse viewpoints in discussions and problem-solving.

Embracing New Ideas: “I hadn’t considered that…”

Admitting when encountering new ideas reflects intellectual honesty. This willingness to learn enhances discussions and encourages open-mindedness in debates.

Finding Common Ground: “Can we agree on…?”

Identifying shared beliefs can facilitate progress in arguments. This phrase helps establish a foundation for addressing more contentious issues collaboratively.


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