7 Signs He's Not Serious About You

Prachi Prakhar
Aug 31, 2024

Lack of Efforts:

Every relation needs efforts from both sides. If he is not showing any efforts then it may be a sign that he is not invested in the relationship or is just passing time with you.

Gives Mixed Signals:

If a man is showing you mixed signals, saying one thing and doing another and not being clear about his intentions then it is a clear sign that he is just playing games with you.

If He Is Playful:

If he only reaches out when it is convenient for him, but is never available for you when you need him, it is a sign that he is not truly invested in you or your relationship.

He Only Prioritize Himself:

If he doesn’t take any opinion or suggestion from you about anything and always prioritize their own opinion then it is a sign that you do not have any value in his life.

No Heartfelt Gesture:

If you feel that it is only you who invest time and infuse strength in relationship and he never makes you feel special or even showing care about you. Then it is a sign that he just passing time with you.

Emotionally Unavailable:

If your partner is emotionally unavailable or uninterested to make you feel heard or seen then it is likely to make you feel hurt or ignored.

Flirt With Others:

In spite of being with you, if he is flirting with other women then it is a sign that he is not fully committed and just playing games with you.


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