7 Surprising Health Benefits Of Palm Rubbing

Prachi Prakhar
Sep 11, 2024

Enhance Focus:

Palm rubbing helps in improving concentration and the ability to understand things in a better way.

Stress Reduction:

Daily palm rubbing activates the nervous system and creates a calming effect in our mind and body.

Quality Sleep:

If you have sleep issues, then by following this technique you can experience a good and healthy sleep.

Improved Mood:

Palm rubbing creates a sensation which triggers the release of endorphins. Endorphins are a feel-good hormone which keeps you happy.

Increased Energy:

Rubbing palm stimulates the blood flow and activates the senses which increase the energy level.

Emotional Regulation:

It is a simple technique which helps us mange emotional responses.


This simple technique is a effective tool in meditation and relaxation exercises.


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