All Image Credit: IMDb
"When you lose something precious, you won't ever get it back."
"I think death is equally terrible for everyone. Young people, old people, the good, the bad; it's always the same. It's rather fair in its treatment. There's no such thing as a terrible death, that's why it's frightening."
"No matter how hurt someone is, they're meant to overcome it and try to go forward."
"The two of us aren't so different. My whole life I've desired from others. I felt bitter to the people around me and I closed off my heart. And a heart that lets nothing in, will become empty before you realize it."
"If you don't like how things turned out, then try to change it. And then if it still doesn't work out, that's when you can be depressed."
"All this time, I seriously thought that it’s better to die than to live your life alone."
"I always believed that everyone in this world was far nicer and smarter than me. That no matter how unlikeable they seemed to be, they still had a good conscience... But now I see that there actually are people who’re despicable in every way..."
The world is merciless, and it's also very beautiful."