8 Indian Foods You Have Been Eating Wrong All Your Life

Sagar Puri
Oct 16, 2024


Tomatoes can be eaten raw but cooking tomatoes increases their nutritional value. This is due to the "lycopene" that it contain, which when heated, changes into a more absorbable form.


Have you ever paid attention to the thin liquid that also appears with curd? It is whey protein. You'll get a good dosage of protein if you drink it as well rather than emptying it.

Boiled Eggs

Adding a teaspoon of baking soda in the cooking water makes it alkaline, which helps in loosening the bond between the egg whites and the shell. Thus it is easier to peel the eggs.


You should not eat almond skin. This is so that our bodies can't absorb nutrients because of the skin. Almonds should be soaked and their skins removed before eating them for this reason.


You should eat Mango with the skin as it is a valuable source of nutrients like carotenoids.


You don’t need to cut out the stem, and end up loosing out on half the fruit. Take a hollow straw push it through the bottom to the top, leaving a larger morsel for you to enjoy.


Whole carrots should be cooked, then sliced afterward to retain more nutrients. One vegetable, the carrot, benefits from cooking because heat weakens the cell walls of the vegetable.

Flax Seeds

Individuals eat flaxseed seeds as whole, which is a huge mistake. Eaten intact, seeds are indigestible by our stomach. Instead, flax seeds should be eaten after being roughly crushed.


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