Take a pan and pour milk in it, heat it on medium flame till it reaches the temperature below boiling point, remember the temperature should be 176 Fahrenheit.
Take 2 tablespoons of lemon juice or vinegar, add one tablespoon at a time, and stir it gently till the milk begins to curdle & separate. Then turn off the gas.
Place a muslin cloth over a strainer and pour the curdled milk into it. The whey will drain out, leaving the dry curd in the cloth.
Rinse the leftover curd in the cloth and rinse it with water to remove any bitterness of lemon or vinegar.
Wrap around the curd tightly with the muslin cloth, and hang it for 30-45 minutes under a heavy-weight object, so that access water strains out and forms a shape of paneer.
After 30-45 minutes remove the muslin cloth & heavy weight with which you have pressed the cloth.
Your soft and fresh paneer is ready, cut it into cubes or slices and enjoy with any garnishing or dip.