What happens when a blue whale dies?

Shubhi Kumar
Sep 25, 2024

Long-Term Impact

Whale falls can provide a food source for decades, supporting a diverse community of organisms in the deep ocean.

Specialized Organisms

A variety of specialized creatures, including bone-eating worms, clams, and bacteria, thrive on whale falls.

Nutrient Release

As bacteria decompose the remaining bones and tissue, they release nutrients into the surrounding environment, nourishing a unique ecosystem.

Whale Fall Creation

The sunken carcass, now known as a whale fall, becomes a valuable food source for deep-sea organisms.

Sinking to the Depths

As the carcass is stripped of its flesh, it becomes heavier and sinks to the ocean floor.

Scavenger Feast

Seabirds, sharks, and other marine scavengers quickly descend on the carcass, feasting on the exposed flesh.

Immediate Decomposition

Gas buildup from the decomposition process causes the whale's body to bloat, sometimes leading it to float to the surface.


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