7 Tips To Reduce Your AC Bills In Summers

Image Credit: Freepik, Pixabay

Ankur Mishra
Apr 11, 2024

Optimize Thermostat Settings:

Set your thermostat higher when away or asleep and lower when at home. Utilize programmable thermostats for automated adjustments.

Improve Insulation:

Seal leaks and insulate windows, doors, and ducts to prevent cool air from escaping and warm air from entering.

Use Fans Strategically:

Supplement AC with ceiling or portable fans to enhance air circulation and create a perceived cooling effect, allowing you to raise the thermostat temperature.

Regular Maintenance:

Schedule annual AC maintenance to ensure filters, coils, and ducts are clean, maximizing efficiency.

Utilize Natural Ventilation:

Open windows during cooler times to allow fresh air in, reducing reliance on AC.

Upgrade to Energy-Efficient Appliances:

Invest in energy-efficient AC units, appliances, and light bulbs to reduce overall energy consumption.

Limit Heat Sources:

Minimize oven and stove usage, switch to LED lights, and utilize curtains or blinds to block out sunlight, reducing indoor heat buildup and AC usage.


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