7 Affordable Ways To Travel In Style

Khuraijam Roger Singh
Sep 28, 2024


Avoid buying unnecessary things as it is tempting to buy things as you are in a new city or place. Consider whether you really need it or not before buying.


Instead of expensive hotels, try a guest house or hostel as they are much cheaper and give the same comfort as an expensive hotel.

Eat Local

Instead of dining at high-end restaurants, explore local food markets, cafés, and street food. You’ll enjoy authentic and delicious meals without the hefty price tag.

Use Public Transport

While sightseeing in a city, instead of taxis or rideshares, use local public transport systems, which are often reliable and an excellent way to experience the local culture while saving money.

Travel by Train or Bus

For scenic routes, especially in countries like Europe or Japan, traveling by train can be both stylish and affordable. Look for regional passes or discounted tickets as traveling by bus and train is much cheaper.

Join Travel Reward Programs

Sign up for frequent travel miles and hotel rewards programs. Over time, these points can be redeemed for flights, upgrades, or luxury stays at no extra cost.

Book Flights in Advance

Book the ticket in advance and look out for offers as traveling during off-peak seasons or mid-week can also save money while allowing you to fly in comfort.


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