The Top 8 Places In India To Birdwatch

Kirti Mahor
Sep 27, 2024

India is a haven for bird enthusiasts, with a vast array of bird species calling it home.

The top 8 locations in the nation for birdwatchers to see wildlife are listed below.

Bharatpur Bird Sanctuary

A UNESCO World Heritage site, Bharatpur Bird Sanctuary is a birdwatcher's dream, especially in the winter when migrating birds congregate there.

Sultanpur National Park

A vast variety of birds can be seen at Haryana's Sultanpur National Park. There aren't many trees that block visitors' views of the lake, making it essentially a bird watcher's heaven.

Kaziranga National Park

Several endangered bird species, such as the black-necked stork and the Bengal florican, can be found in Assam's Kaziranga National Park.

Thattekad Bird Sanctuary

More than 300 different bird species can be found at Kerala's Thattekad Bird Sanctuary, including the endangered Malabar trogon and Sri Lanka frogmouth.

Jim Corbett National Park

In addition to being known for its tigers, Jim Corbett National Park is also well-known for its varied bird population, which includes the Himalayan pied kingfisher.

Sunderbans National Park

More than 200 different species of birds may be seen in West Bengal's Sunderbans National Park, a well-liked spot for birdwatchers.

Hemis National Park

Ladakh's Hemis National Park is a birdwatcher's dream, offering a wide variety of birds and a clean atmosphere.

Chilla Lake

For lovers of birds, Chilka Lake in Odisha is a must-visit location. This area attracts a huge migratory bird swarm throughout the winter.


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