
Horoscope January 9: Virgo must curtail their spending, Capricorn should make most of their freedom

Here's what the stars have in store for Aries, Leo, Virgo, Gemini and other zodiac signs



You can't always get what you want, which you already know. So it's not going to be that difficult for you to deal with not getting your way today. Instead of being able to plead your case or even try to make a compromise, you could be shut out of negotiations altogether and forced to deal with decisions other people are making about what you're going to do with your time. You have to trust the fact that they know best right now.




There's a time to be on center stage, and then there's a time when you need to sit in the audience and experience someone else's time in the spotlight. Step off to the wings and let someone else bask in the glory of fame for a while. This may involve you singing the praises of co-workers, touting the skills of your favorite mechanic, or even just recommending your favorite restaurant. Spread the praise around and enjoy watching the people who deserve a standing ovation get one.



The fact that you have a lot of energy will do more than fuel some high productivity. It could make some inspiring changes within your group of friends. In all your activities, your enthusiasm will bubble up from deep inside you without any effort on your part, and it's contagious. Without realizing it, you'll become a sort of leader showing people an option they never considered before. If they follow you down this path, welcome them warmly.



You've been dealing with a lot of issues in and around your home so effectively that it looks like things are under control and capable of doing just fine without you. It's time to shift your focus away from family and toward a partnership in another context of your life. It could be a co-worker, a friend, or a romantic interest, but someone else needs your attention today. So keep your eyes and ears open. They'll let you know when they want to talk.



The nutty antics of the people around you don't seem to be coming off as odd to anyone but you, and you might think you're the one who's not getting it. In fact, everyone else is just as confused and bewildered as you. They're just looking for someone else (like you) step up and say something about it. You should be that voice of sanity. Speak up tactfully and others will agree with you quickly. They will back you up and echo your concerns.



If you've been living the high life lately, charging up a storm, going for the upgrade, or just impulse buying, it's time to seriously curtail your spending before it's too late. If you've been fiscally responsible by comparing prices and saving each month, then it's time for you to splurge a little. Cutting out the excess in your life has meant that you have a little bit left over now to do with whatever you want. You've earned it.




You have great patience, but someone could put it to the test today. They know you have a soft spot for them, and they might be taking advantage of it. So what do you do? Nothing at all. If they keep stalling for time, they clearly have a reason for it. Pressing them could only start a power play, which could cause them to pull away from you out of fear that they're not meeting your expectations. Just keep waiting and don't worry that you're being toyed with. You aren't.



Having good luck isn't a passive experience. You can't just wait for a genie to arrive at your doorstep and grant you three wishes. In order to enjoy more luck in your life right now, you have to create it, starting today. Put some more positive energy out there, and do your own best impression of a fairy godparent to someone in your life. An anonymous gift or good deed will go a long way toward putting more happy coincidences in your life.



Many pieces are falling into place today. And while you may not have enough time to go over the finer details, you'll be able to see enough of the big picture to get an idea of what you need to do next. Things are looking good! The best part will be the fact that, finally, you'll be able to get rid of a thorn in your side. Take it out quickly. The relief you feel will buoy you on through the day and refresh your ideas about what can get done.



You've got more freedom than ever before. Why aren't you making the most of it? Be your own boss in every sense of the word. Listen to no one's authority except your own. At work, you can make a bigger impression the bolder you get, so speak up. In love, communicate what you need, and believe it when you tell yourself that if you don't get it, you need to move on. You are capable of being the perfect partner, and you need to make sure you're with someone who understands that!



You can't be perfect all the time, but you certainly can be good most of the time. Things aren't either all bad or all good, so quit trying to reach perfection. It is wasting your energy, frustrating you, and, most importantly, keeping you from doing positive things. Just take it easy on yourself right now. You need to slow down and let go of a few things that you can't control. Once you do, you'll suddenly see all the areas where you can make a difference.



Relationships can be like a dance, and unfortunately, sometimes you get your foot stepped on. Right now, one of your relationships, it could be a friendship, romantic partnership, or even a business connection, is in the middle of quite a tango. And if any problems arise in this partnership, you shouldn't hesitate to try to go it alone. There is little chance of a healthy compromise, and it might be time for you two to take a break from each other.